Health Education Research, 22, 1

Health Education Research, 22, 1: "Health Education Research, 22, 1

Feasibility, acceptability, and quality of Internet-administered adolescent health promotion in a preventive-care setting

Identifying determinants of protocol adoption by midwives: a comprehensive approach

Descriptors and accounts of alcohol consumption: methodological issues piloted with female undergraduate drinkers in Scotland

Written medicines information for South African HIV/AIDS patients: does it enhance understanding of co-trimoxazole therapy?

Promoting stair climbing: effects of message specificity and validation

Focus points for school health promotion improvements in Dutch primary schools

Health behaviour and academic achievement in Icelandic school children

Association of substance-use behaviours and their social-cognitive determinants in secondary school students

Fidelity of implementation in a treatment effectiveness trial of Reconnecting Youth

How women with breast cancer learn using interactive cancer communication systems

A randomized control trial of Internet-delivered HIV prevention targeting rural MSM

Bystanding an abused child: testing the applicability of the stages of change construct

Comparing the magnitude of discriminatory attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS and toward people with mental illness in the Hong Kong general population "


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