Married couples tend to be a healthier

این متن را از ايميلی در گروه " فيزيوتراپی ايران" در سايت يا هم بدون هيچ گونه شرحی نقل می کنم:
Article published Jan 19, 2005
Editorial: Two little words can mean better health
Study finds that married couples tend to be a healthier lot

Around Valentine's Day would have been great timing for the release of this study, but it came out sooner, so we'll note it now.

Married people probably already somehow understand this, but it's good for other folks to know, too: Marriage is a healthy thing.

According to a new report from the National Center for Health Statistics, married adults are the least likely to experience health problems or engage in risky health behavior. (Except, the report noted, most husbands gained some weight.)

Here are some of the basics of the study:

Those who are married receive emotional and physical support from a spouse.

Married couples recognize that unhealthy behavior may effect others beyond themselves, such as someone they love.

It is also easier to cook too much food when preparing a meal for more than one person.

Married people said they had less low back pain.

They reported fewer headaches.

They said they dealt with less psychological stress.

They said they were less likely to drink and smoke.

They're more physically active than people in general.
The study also noted that "even those unmarried adults living with a partner did not report the health benefits of married couples."

Marion Chronicle Tribune - Marion,IN,USA


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